
I got some sweet buttons that I'm putting up real soon when my new myspace makeover goes up and they rule!! Until then check out where I got them from, Great quality and super nice people!


Opening reception Mon April 7th. Be there!!!


I have a piece coming up in the 2nd Coming Art Show presented by Palehorse creations in St. Pete this Saturday March 15th. If you are in the area please come check it out. All the pieces revolve around the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse. It's gonna rule!!

Here are the flyers and a sneak peek of whats to come!


Hey Everyone, so the other night I went to see Hot Water Music and it was an amazing show!!! Blew the burrito right out of my hand! Why I was eating a burrito and how did I get it during a show? Nobody knows. Anyways, I got the last 20 posters for the show that I designed. The posters completely sold out at the show so I have the last remaining few. I've already sold a few at the show before I left so they are going super quick!

Just click here to buy!!!

12"X17" 3 color silkscreened on card stock poster paper
Signed by the artist and super limited!
Other bands on the poster: SAMIAM and CUTMAN


Ok, so my store is finally open! It went live at noon today and the orders are already rolling in! Have fun shopping and get it while you can for certain items! Just click on the banner on my myspace or go to the store on my website. STOKED!!! Also, big thanx to my friend Quilty for helping me out and getting this store off the ground!

Put this flyer on your Myspace page -
Cut and paste code:



Hey Everyone in Orlando and surrounding areas!!! I have a painted piece coming up in the Beta Gallery Art show called "Small Talk" on Oct 11th. It's from 7pm-11pm and has small scale art basically meaning that all artwork contributed is 12"x12" or less. There's a bunch of great artists contributing amazing artwork so please come out and support. Should be super rad!!!! Check below for more info!


Ok, so the art show in Chicago was awesome! I think I gained 43 pounds from eating all the deep dish pizza imaginable! Thanx to everyone who came out and drank all the wine and beer. Special thanx to my close friends who flew out with me to hang out. I'll have pics up on myspace real soon! The prints should be available to the rest of the public real soon and I'll also post a new bulletin for that as well. Stay tuned for more art shows in your area and crap. I'm also going to have new work up real soon. I apologize for not updating in a while, I've been super swamped so there will be a ton of new stuff up to puke at. Ok, I'm just finishing up the stuff for the Fest 6. Shit is looking super tight!! The Fest skate deck and shirts are turning out amazing!! So stoked! I wanna do a beer bong through my eyes!!


Hey everyone!

So as you might of heard on that thing called "myspace" I have another art show coming up on August 10th in Chicago. It's featuring Steak Mtn., Heather Hannoura, Bridey Bowen and myself! We are going to colaborate with each other to make 16 different prints that will blow your god damn brains out! Do whatever you have to do in order to get there! Because if you don't, you will be laughed at for the rest of your life you fucking loser.


Hey Butts,

There are some new pieces added to the illustration page!

I have an art show coming up on June 1st at Transitions Art Gallery in Tampa, FL. Heather Hannoura and I will have a collaboration print for sale. It'll make you puke, hopefully. There will also be live bands so COME OUT!!!

Put this flyer on your Myspace page -
Cut and paste code:

As for shirts and prints for sale, I will also be having some more up real soon.


  - HB


Hey Everyone!

The website is finally finished!

The store will be open soon. A huge thanx to Bryan Quilty for making this website possible, I owe him alot of mexican food! Keep checking back for more news and updates.

So stop sitting on the couch, cupping your farts and trying to smell them and check out my shit!!

  - HB